Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

The Coming Crisis in Radiologist - Hospital Relationships

This is the time of year when visions of sugarplums are fresh in our heads from the RSNA, and we like to reminisce about days gone by when radiologists and hospitals were friends and worked together in harmony for the good of the patient and the well being of the radiologist. Now, that is not to say that somewhere in our fair land things are not

Structuring Imaging Ventures in Today's Regulatory Climate

Over the past 15 years, outpatient imaging has been subject to high growth rates. Because this has been particularly true of the more profitable high-end imaging services, this growth has attracted attention from all quarters. For the first 10 of those 15 high-growth years, outpatient imaging was most often provided by hospitals or by radiologists;

2007 Medical Imaging Symposium: Consolidation Underway

Increased imaging center transactional activity, changes in health care regulatory law, increased scrutiny of self referral, and a full year under the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) conspired for a lively roundtable discussion at the 2007 Medical Imaging Symposium, sponsored by the law firm of McDermott, Will & Emory on November 27 in Chicago.

A Historic IDTF Summit at RSNA

While McCormick Place hummed with science and commerce across town, an unusual gathering of top outpatient imaging center executives met for breakfast on the sixth floor of Chicago’s University Club on Tuesday, November 20. Adding to the unparalleled nature of the event were the invited guest speakers for the morning, two top executives from rival

CXOFiles No.6 Alliance Imaging’s Paul S. Viviano: Master of Diversification

When Paul S. Viviano, joined Alliance Imaging in January of 2003, the company was almost exclusively a mobile MRI vendor. Since then, the company’s chairman of the board and CEO has overseen an aggressive diversification strategy, moving the hospital-centric company into fixed-site MRI hospital partnerships, PET/CT, and most recently radiation

Strategic Imaging Center Technology Deployment

In the technology-driven field of radiology, it is not just what is installed, but when, where, and why the technology is deployed, according to three experts interviewed by Many factors drive technology decisions, beginning with the existing competitive environment and inevitably arriving at the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.

Washington’s Low-Hanging Fruit: Diagnostic Imaging

In the world of Washington politics, health care and health care policy are high stakes and high profile. With today’s skyrocketing federal budget, and burgeoning deficit, the President and Congress are looking for savings.

New Horizons

There is a theme one finds in the writings and musings of the best business leaders that remains consistent no matter what industry, profession, or type of organization. True success, level 5 leaders will tell you, is dependent on the leader’s ability to attract superior talent and exceptional people with which to build and sustain the enterprise.