Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Leadership's Secret Language

Regular readers of this column know that throughout the past year, I have written about various aspects of leadership in an attempt to identify our profession’s next generation of change agents. Mere management, even unusually competent management, does not equal leadership, although great leaders can be found in the ranks of managers in all

Diversified Radiology: Pressing the Hospital Advantage

Diversified Radiology of Colorado, PC, has cast a long shadow in Denver since radiologist Kenneth Allen, MD, founded the practice in 1927. The group underwent a major growth period in the 1990s, when it merged with Metropolitan Radiology and Western Radiology, and today, the 60-radiologist practice serves 11 hospitals and has an ownership stake in

Caution Ahead: Keep Your Eyes on the Road

While driving a car, if you constantly look in the rearview mirror, it exponentially increases your chances of getting into a wreck.

When Disaster Means No Recovery

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Does turning to a PACS vendor for disaster archiving add certainty and ease to the recovery process when a mishap occurs and images must be retrieved or a PACS database must be reestablished? One New York hospital’s radiology department thought so. The PACS administrator confirms that events have proved it right so far.

Canada's Number–one Imaging Provider Acquires American Radiology Services

CML HealthCare Income Fund, Mississauga, Ontario, has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Baltimore-based American Radiology Services (ARS) for $151 million.

Practice Buyouts: What Should a Departing Physician Really Receive?

The largest asset of a radiology practice is the cash value of its accounts receivable, and that valuation is prominent in the deferred-compensation package for a retiring member. The language in that section of the employment agreement generally stipulates a formula that is based on historic collection ratios taken from the practice’s receivables

College, 3D Lab Partner in Web-based Advanced Visualization Training

The nation’s first curriculum-based program for volumetric imaging began as do many collaborations between local businesses and technical colleges: a local start-up in search of a steady stream of skilled employees approached a local technical college.

The Coming Crisis in Radiologist - Hospital Relationships

This is the time of year when visions of sugarplums are fresh in our heads from the RSNA, and we like to reminisce about days gone by when radiologists and hospitals were friends and worked together in harmony for the good of the patient and the well being of the radiologist. Now, that is not to say that somewhere in our fair land things are not