Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

RBMA DRA Mini-Survey: Most Practices Expect to Cut Radiologist Pay

A significant percentage of practice managers responding to a survey from the Radiology Business Management Association said radiologists would take a pay cut in 2007 if the DRA is not rolled back. The survey, DRA: How Is it Impacting Your Practice, conducted by LarsonAllen, Minneapolis, Minn, received 83 responses, 83.1% of which reported billing

PACS Administrator Success Indicators

What does it take to be a successful PACS administrator? As we work with clients across the country, we are commonly asked this question. The answer lies in both understanding the multiple roles this person is asked to play and the resources that will be available to support him or her.

Letter-Trafficking and Self-Referral in Massachusetts

As in many states, Massachusetts policy makers are examining the impact that ambulatory surgical centers and medical diagnostic imaging services, particularly physician owned, are having on the health care delivery system. Last year, the Massachusetts Legislature created a special study commission to examine these health services and their impact

Hospitals Retool for the Outpatient Imaging Market

After watching outpatient-imaging centers siphon away their often-lucrative outpatient imaging services, hospitals in growing numbers are moving aggressively into surrounding communities to establish outpatient imaging center beachheads. The trend began heating up five years ago, according to Craig Anderson, Sr, founder of Charis Healthcare LLC,

Consumer Driven Health Care: Challenges for Imaging Leaders

Health care has become a serious problem. Health care costs are threatening the competitiveness of U.S. firms, and uneven health care quality is threatening the welfare of U.S. citizens. Last decade’s solution, managed care, is clearly a bust.

Sg2: More than 90% of Decade’s Imaging Growth Will Occur in Outpatient Sector

Imaging will grow a respectable but relatively sedate 12% to 14% over the next 10 years, and the vast majority of that growth will occur in the outpatient sector, predicted Michael Silver, PhD, vice president, Sg2, Skokie, Ill, at the 2nd Annual GE Healthcare Outpatient Imaging Center Conference in Washington, a rate roughly one third of the

Marketing Best Practices for Imaging Centers in the post-DRA Era

Marketing and branding should always be part of your competitive strategy in medical services. However, in comparatively easy times, many radiology practices were able to do well with little or in some cases even no organized efforts to address marketing issues. However, now the pressures on most practices have grown significantly. The strong

CXOFiles No.5 Marinaccio Leads Nassau Group in Latest Growth Spurt

One would think a metropolitan radiology practice that is 100% dependant on the outpatient market for all income would be at a competitive disadvantage in this post-DRA marketplace. But, if the practice in question were Nassau Radiologic Group, one would be dead wrong. The 40-person practice, founded in 1927 and based in western/northern Nassau