Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Goodbye to Adolescence

I’m sure you remember the time very well. You grew at great clips and with a seeming lack of difficulty, you stayed nimble no matter how much you ate, you saw nothing but opportunity in front of you, and you laughed in the face of those who told you that these were your golden years. Soon the time would pass and it would be necessary to “settle

Minnesota Docs, Hospitals Cut Deal to Self-Manage Imaging Utilization

All eyes are on the North Star state, as Minnesota physicians and hospitals embark on an ambitious program to self-manage their utilization of diagnostic imaging. Three major health plans, four large integrated delivery systems, and two leading Minneapolis-based radiology groups are participating, according to Jim Tierney, CEO, Suburban Radiologic

Transparent Goals Rational pricing will help hospitals continue to build trust in their communities

The drumbeat for rational hospital pricing is not going away; it’s getting louder.

Street Scan: Nighthawk Swoops, Buys St Paul Radiology Business Services

Many large practices have seen the benefit of spinning off a business services unit, but not many, we suspect, would anticipate a valuation of $62.5 million. That is what St Paul Radiology realized in the recent sale of its business services unit to NightHawk Radiology Services, Coeur D’Alene. In exchange, NightHawk gets more than a major client

ARA Floats an Automated Billing Process… And Inhales

The 65-radiologist Austin Radiological Association is well known for its robust information technology deployment throughout central Texas. Nonetheless, the practice’s billing department, which billed close to a million procedures last year, was awash in the same paper that plagues smaller, less sophisticated practices. Enter Laura Casey, business

Do Proposed MPFS Changes Portend the Demise of Block Leases?

Although block-leasing arrangements have become increasingly marginalized given recent Board of Medical Examiner decisions and a spate of high profile whistleblower cases, such arrangements clearly remain a target for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The latest volley in this war of attrition came in the guise of CMS’ proposed

The Organization: Assess Management of Your Outpatient Center

In these Days of the DRA, imaging centers are keen to be lean. The question is, do you have your bases covered? In addition to strategies for cost savings and revenue enhancement, an imaging center with a need or desire to improve performance should review its organizational structure. Each position and person in the entity has roles and

CXOFiles No.4 Joe A. Paul and Paul N. Cote: The Pair Behind Cypress Partners, LLC

The story of the 14-center imaging chain called Cypress Partners, LLC, [link to:] is a tale of two partners who honed their skills as hired guns at corporate entities operating in the diagnostic imaging space before becoming masters of their realm with their own imaging center company. Joe A. Paul, CPA, was