Women’s imaging encompasses many radiology procedures related to women and the diseases that are most prevalent to women such as breast cancer or gynecological issues. Mammogram, breast ultrasound, breast MRI and breast biopsy are the most commonly used procedures.
Take a virtual tour around the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting to see the sights and new technologies displayed across the vast exhibit hall floors.
Such roving imaging vans have been posed as a way to reach more women in rural and underserved communities. But do they unintentionally hurt facility-based efforts?
Between 2004 to 2021, the biggest annual percentage increase in incidence of metastatic breast cancer at diagnosis was among women ages 20-39 (up 2.9%).
This psychological phenomenon describes the notion that people believe they can make better predictions or decisions once they have been exposed to new information on the subject, often causing them to overestimate their own abilities.
The Find it Early Act has support from both political parties, alongside the American College of Radiology and journalist/cancer survivor Katie Couric.
The USPSTF’s update suggests that women should screen every other year, but the group's own modeling studies have cited the benefits of annual screening.
These findings warrant serious consideration by physicians caring for pregnant women in the future, as the link between poor mental health and placental development remains “underappreciated.”