Professional Associations

This page includes news coverage of medical associations and medical societies. Use these links to find focused news coverage from specific organizations: Cardiology Associations, Healthcare Associations, Radiology Associations.


ACR concerned ‘waning’ congressional calendar could postpone efforts to avert radiologist pay cuts

As lawmakers look to tackle other issues first, the college said it's possible Congress may address doc pay cuts retroactively in 2022. 

partnership business deal joint venture

ACR joins prominent health groups to launch national Alzheimer’s registry

The National Treatment and Diagnostic Alzheimer's Registry will capture patient-level info on the newest disease-modifying treatments.

Stem cell therapy for heart failure lowers risk of adverse outcomes

“Cell therapy has the potential to change how we treat heart failure,” one researcher said.


Cardiologs puts its AI model up against the Apple Watch—and wins

The company reported that its deep neural network led to improved sensitivity and fewer unclassified findings. 


ACR committee proposes new term for symptoms associated with gadolinium exposure

The move can help providers avoid prematurely attributing symptoms to a specific disease, the college said.

European Society of Cardiology shares new guidance on COVID-related cardiovascular disease

The two-part document was published in full in European Heart Journal

High-dose icosapent ethyl treatment makes minimal impact on non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients

The analysis, presented at AHA Scientific Sessions 2021, included approximately 2,000 symptomatic COVID-19 patients who were not necessarily sick enough to be hospitalized. 

American Heart Association responds to nomination of cardiologist Robert Califf for FDA commissioner

The AHA believes the next FDA commissioner should play a key role in influencing public health post-COVID-19.