Healthcare Associations

MGMA's Anders Gilberg calls on CMS and Congress to extend telemedicine and highlights the issues involved.

Congress hesitates on long-term telemedicine expansion admid advocacy push

Congress temporarily extended telemedicine provisions until March amid lobby efforts by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) and others to make the provisions permanent.

A study that analyzed patient outcomes in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in veterans showed outcomes for on-pump and off-pump procedures over 10 years to be similar. Photo by Jim Lennon

Heart surgeons may deliver better outcomes during stressful procedures

Excessive stress may still be harmful to a surgeon's performance, researchers warned, but moderate stress early on during a procedure appears to reduce the odds of a major complication. 

Clopidogrel vs. aspirin: Tracking the chronic maintenance period after PCI for different risk groups

As more high-risk patients undergo PCI, what is the best antiplatelet strategy following an initial event-free period of DAPT? Does it change after complex PCI? Researchers aimed to answer these questions, and many others, with new findings published in JAMA Cardiology.


Treating younger patients with TAVR increases risk of death

Treating patients younger than 65 with TAVR is associated with certain risks for heart teams to consider. Fortunately, researchers found, care teams appear to be choosing patients wisely. 


Most heart failure patients miss out on guideline-recommended palliative care

Palliative care is a recommended part of heart failure management in the U.S., but consultation rates remain low. The trend appears to impact Black patients more than other races and ethnicities. 

MGMA's Anders Gilberg discusses concerns on Medicare physician fee schedule

MGMA concerned by 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Senior Vice of Government Affairs, Anders Gilberg, explains MGMA’s 28-page letter to CMS on issues with the proposed 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.

A transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) procedure being performed at Intermountain Healthcare. Image from Intermountain Healthcare

TAVR survival is down in recent years, leaving cardiologists stumped

Researchers tracked recent TAVR data from the STS/ACC TVT Registry, highlighting a "concerning" finding they were unable to explain.

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New Category I CPT codes announced for treating heart failure with implantable Barostim device

Baroreflex activation therapy with the Barostim device from CVRx has received new CPT codes from the American Medical Association. The codes go into effect in January 2026.