
Neuroradiology is a branch of medical imaging focused on spotting abnormalities of the central and peripheral nervous system, spine, head and neck. These highly trained doctors use CT, MRI, X-ray and other techniques to diagnose strokes, tumors, aneurysms and other neurological conditions.


USC's 7 Tesla MRI scanner first to identify Cushing's disease in US patient

A noninvasive 7 Tesla MRI scanner at University of Southern California is the first 7T scanner to be used on a patient with Cushing's disease in the U.S., according to a USC news release.  


MRI study could help train the brain to smell again

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis are trying to develop a treatment for those who have lost their ability to smell by studying how the brain changes when that sense is lost.


Transgender individuals' brains may be structured differently

Scientists from the University of São Paulo Medical School in Brazil have found that individuals who identify as transgender have volumetric difference in their brains and subsequently may interpret body image in various ways.

How ADHD drugs may increase positive emotions

Brown University researchers have found that healthy people who take ADHD drugs may experience consistent changes in positive emotion, according to an online university news release.


Imaging Addiction: Could PET & MR End Cocaine Abuse?

Cocaine addiction can ruin a person physically and financially, and with an estimated 1.4 million cocaine users in the U.S., thousands will become trapped by their habit. While previous research on the drug and its addictive potential were observational and subjective, imaging is reshaping how we see addiction—and how it will be treated.