Radiology compensation is more than just radiologist salaries. It also includes radiologic technologist and interventional radiology compensation, along with other subspecialties. Radiology pay incorporates bonuses, incentives, benefits and vacation time.
Radiology experts are warning that reimbursements for certain imaging services are not enough to cover expenses, putting specialists in a precarious position.
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine recently convened a panel of industry experts, devising a list of issues with the new quality metric.
Payers have been using rates agreed to by PCPs to justify underpaying specialists such as anesthesiologists, emergency physicians and, yes, radiologists.
Cardiologists are the highest paid professionals in medicine, averaging $170 per hour for an annual average salary of $353,970, according to a new Forbes report.
When emergency radiologists overread interpretations of critically ill transfer patients, they discover discrepancies in fewer than 15% of cases. However, more than 90% of these second opinions produce a change in patient care or follow-up.
Having cervical spine radiographs completed at an urgent care rather than a cervical CT scan in the emergency department, one hospital system saved an estimated $437,928 in healthcare costs in one year.
After day shifts began bleeding into night shifts at frustratingly frequent rates, one radiology practice in Kentucky devised a plan to get its lengthy worklists back on track—enter the “bunker shift.”
Payam Toobian, MD, is alleged to have paid kickbacks in the form of gift cards, checks and cash to physicians in exchange for referrals to his Queens imaging center—Empire Imaging—from January 2006 to August 2017.
The commoditization of health data raises questions about who is owed what, and in what proportion, when artificial intelligence renders the data clinically useful and thereby financially profitable.