Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

My PET/CT Experience: Adding a New Modality to PACS

Sponsored by Hitachi Healthcare Americas

It was a Tuesday afternoon when I received the call. The new PET/CT scanner was installed, and acceptance testing was about to begin, but my medical physicist informed me that PACS was not listed as a destination. The installation team had not configured the scanner to communicate with PACS. Not too concerned, I asked to speak with the modality

Ten Trends, Five Years: Predictions for Outpatient Imaging

Sponsored by Hitachi Healthcare Americas

While long-term forecasts are always subject to error in a changing climate, today’s market trends can provide strong, reliable indications of what to expect in the future. For outpatient imaging over the coming five years, ten ongoing trends, in particular, can be predicted based on the changes being seen in imaging now.

The Role of CCTA in Primary Care

Primary care physicians are increasingly referring patients for coronary CT angiography (CCTA) to provide accurate diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD) and earlier disease management for their patients. Most practitioners recognize the benefits of CCTA for those who are at risk of coronary disease, as well as for patients who exhibit related

Chris Winkle: Taking MedQuest In-House

Last August, the news that Novant Health, Inc, Winston-Salem, NC, had offered $45 million (with an additional performance-based contingency of $35 million and the assumption of all outstanding debt) for Alpharetta, Ga-based MedQuest set the outpatient imaging world abuzz. The deal, which closed in November, represented what many considered a

To Read or Not to Read

As Shakespeare’s famous Prince of Denmark did, many radiologists I know struggle with choosing between two mutually exclusive paths to fulfillment. In Hamlet’s case, the idea of honorable revenge was countered by fantasies of ending it all. While not as draconian, the choice for radiologists is nevertheless gut wrenching.

2008 Update on Non-hospital-based Outpatient Medicare Reimbursement

As part of GE Healthcare’s commitment to ongoing monitoring of the reimbursement situation, GE presented a Webcast on this topic on May 7, 2008. Called the 2008 Reimbursement Environment for OICs, the program was presented by Michael Becker, general manager, reimbursement, and John Schaeffler, manager, federal government relations, both of GE

Proper Coding Delivers Big Results

Correct procedure coding is a primary, and pivotal, activity among providers and payors alike. Undercoded claims leave money on the table, while overcoded claims leave the practice exposed to financial risks, including potential accusations of fraud. If a practice spends too much time on coding, reporting, reviewing, scheduling, code approval, and

CCTA: The Road to Acceptance

The advancement of imaging technology is invariably followed by a host of related challenges. Many of these challenges are questions raised by payors and answered by various medical associations in an effort to ensure a seamless transition from research and development to practical use. Coronary CT angiography (CCTA) has followed this well-worn