Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Patricia Whelan, MHA, CIO: Leading Shield's E-strategy Charge

Armed with a master’s degree in health administration from Ohio State, Patricia Whelan, MHA, went to work for Ohio State Medical Center in 1993. In 1997, she completed her two-year postgraduate fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and took a position as business systems consultant in the department of radiology.

Buy, Sell, or Hold: Selling Your Diagnostic Imaging Business

I was recently speaking with a client of mine who had spent about eight years growing his diagnostic imaging company. He had built up significant equity in the business and was concerned that capital gains rates may increase dramatically in 2009. In addition, he was eyeing some acquisition targets that would tuck in nicely with his current centers.

Evaluating Mergers and Acquisitions

The forces driving mergers and acquisitions in imaging will only intensify, according to the presenters of Legal and Regulatory Issues Facing Outpatient Imaging Centers, which they gave at Beyond, the Third Annual GE Healthcare Outpatient Imaging Center Conference, in Washington, DC. On July 24, 2008, a three-session presentation emphasizing the

Lossless and Lossy: Study Supports Compression of Mammograms

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

Compression of images is not an alien concept in radiology. From radiography to CT, large image files transmitted between physicians’ offices or stored over the long term often undergo some kind of compression. Mammography—one of the last modalities to go digital—remains behind the curve, however. Can mammographic images be compressed while

Keep Payors Honest With the Practice Receivable System

It is not a completely fair analogy, but the differing agendas of payors and providers place receivable processing in something of a battle zone. The payors seek to limit payments to no more than absolutely necessary to cover the contractual benefits of their beneficiaries. They put up a gauntlet of compliance rules to ensure that the providers

A Formula for Budget-based Marketing

Not long ago, I sent a memo to a select group of clients informing them that as of January 9, 2009, pharmaceutical representatives would no longer be distributing the so-called dry goods. These are the branded premium items, such as pens and note pads, on which many offices have come to depend. One client recognized the opportunity to be a hero and

Imaging's Déjá-vu Moment

My conversation with a prominent radiologist was startling, even as it piqued my journalistic interest. He was all doom and gloom, resigned to the fact that, in his strongly held opinion, the best days for radiology had passed. Nothing lies ahead except the detritus of a once lucrative and satisfying profession. The pending election was creating

ACR White Paper: CCTA Structured Reporting

A group of luminary practitioners of coronary CT angiography (CCTA) penned a white paper1 to guide readers of CCTA in structured reporting for the modality. Citing referrer ease of use and the ability to improve quality through consistency, the authors discuss the primary elements of a structured report and provide templates for reporting CCTA with