Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Window on 2010: Impact of Imaging-Specific Health Care Reforms

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Since the dawn of the DRA at the close of 2005, health care observers have predicted a follow-on DRA II. It appears that this prediction will come to pass shortly after the clock strikes midnight on December 31.

Evaluating Radiology’s New Revenue Streams

In January 2008, the ACR® appointed a task force to research and report on the efficacy of the increasing number of value-added services in radiology. Citing a rapidly changing business landscape for radiology services, the blue-ribbon panel was charged with the task of evaluating and providing insights into the value of evolving and novel business

The Mayo Clinic Vision: Radiology’s Role in Care Delivery

Sponsored by Hitachi Healthcare Americas

Integrated health care delivery systems such as that pioneered by the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, have been heralded for their low-cost, high-quality care and greater efficiency. With all eyes on potential new models for health care delivery—particularly in the imaging field, where skyrocketing costs and questions about appropriate

Quality Control With A Custom Fit


Less than a year ago, the radiology department at the Fletcher Allen Medical Center (FAMC), Burlington, Vermont, the hospital affiliate of the University of Vermont College of Medicine, was struggling with antiquated peer-review and quality-control (QC) methods. For peer review, according to Steven P. Braff, MD, radiology department chair,

Extending Advanced Visualization Across Multiple Departments

Among the virtues of thin-client 3D advanced visualization are ease and economy of deployment across an enterprise. Above both, however, lies the ability to improve the quality of care. At Beebe Medical Center in Lewes, Delaware, which has extended access to its advanced visualization platform from the radiology department to the emergency

Grassroots Coalition Puts Collaboration Above Competition

The rival groups had targeted the same pool of patients in their marketing efforts, positioning their respective imaging facilities, in one of the most competitive markets in the country, as the best that the Big Apple had to offer. In July 2009, however, they put competition aside for a common cause, and the Emergency Coalition to Save Cancer

ACR Economic Update: What to Expect From CMS in 2010

While health reform is still a legislative preoccupation, where regulatory agencies are concerned, the train has left the station, according to Maurine Spillman-Dennis, MPH, MBA. Spillman-Dennis is a senior director in the economics and health policy division of the ACR®, and she presented an economic update from the college at the RBMA Fall

Scanning Imaging’s Deals

Among the more interesting dramas unfolding in the medical imaging profession these days are the number and variety of transactions that are either in the pipeline, in the process of due diligence, or otherwise in some organization’s strategic plan for 2010. Consolidation is one of the indicators of a maturing marketplace, and it is clear that