Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

State of the Technology: Geoffrey Rubin, MD, on 3D Visualization

As CT technology continues to advance and the number of slices in a given exam grows exponentially, how is the role of enterprise visualization software evolving to suit the needs of the modern radiology department? speaks with Geoffrey Rubin, MD, professor of radiology and vice chief of staff at Stanford University Hospitals and

Health Care Efficiency: No Miracle Cure

Health care reform ideas are everywhere these days. As a radiologist, I'm all for controlling costs—but I challenge the assumption that national electronic medical records (EMRs) will magically make providers more informed and automatically decrease unnecessary tests.

Beyond the Software: Creating the Optimal Enterprise Imaging Environment

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

A familiar face on exhibit floors from Chicago to Vienna and in hospital radiology departments around the world, Robert Cooke, has participated in the commercial development of PACS from its very early days. Currently vice president and general manager, network business, FUJIFILM Medical Systems, Stamford, Connecticut, Cooke has spent the past

Daily Exam Volume as a Management Tool

Some management techniques take advantage of basic receivables-system information to monitor charge capture and forecast future exam caseloads. The models shown here use real data; a complex hospital-based practice was purposely chosen, with a trend line of January 2008 through August 2009. To understand the power of today’s receivables systems,

MIPPA’s Impact on Imaging

Sponsored by Hitachi Healthcare Americas

At the 2009 annual meeting of AHRA: The Association for Medical Imaging Management in Las Vegas, Nevada, on August 12, two representatives of the ACR presented “Quality and Safety Response to National Initiatives.” The information was presented by Krista Bush, ACR director of diagnostic modality accreditation and director of the nonbreast imaging

Hybrid Radiology Model Merges On-site Radiology With Remote Reading


In 2005, Lima Memorial Health System (LMHS), Lima, Ohio, was managing its 100,000 imaging studies per year through a traditional hospital–radiologist relationship. LMHS contracted with a 10-member radiology group that handled all of the health system’s imaging, and according to a longstanding policy within the group, each member was paid an equal

DR Done the Right Way

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

If service, patient safety, and profit weren’t incentives enough, now hospitals and imaging clinics have another inducement to go digital: the Obama administration’s federal health care stimulus plan, which stresses health care IT and electronic medical records.

Enterprise Visualization: The CIO Story

When contemplating implementation of an enterprise-wide advanced visualization solution, expect to hear many concerns voiced by various stakeholders—and look for the CIO’s voice to be front and center among them. Topping the CIO’s list of concerns will most probably be whether (and to what extent) the proposed advanced visualization solution is