Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Forging Multigenerational Teams in Radiology

A satisfied generation X worker is getting more than a paycheck—and is doing more than following instructions, according to Lisa Landry, MBA, MRT(N), Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit. Landry is a member of generation X, so she brought an insider’s knowledge to “Satisfying Generation X: Building Effective Teams and Promoting Consensus

Isotope Shortage Hinders Nuclear Medicine

It was the worst news that the nuclear-medicine community could receive when, on August 12, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd (AECL), Chalk River, Ontario, announced that the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor would remain shut down until at least January 2010. The 51-year-old reactor, which has been inoperative since May owing to a heavy-water

OIC Reimbursement: The Multipronged Attack

In an illustration used for hospital clients, analyst Shay Pratt pinpoints imaging centers for sale around the country: four independents on the market in California, a four-center chain in Kansas, and a larger chain in central Florida with an asking price of $22.5 million. The list, with size and price variations, continues from coast to coast.

Too Much Health Care?

Of all the issues facing today’s imaging executives and radiologists, none sounds more cacophonous than the nearly universal cry that the United States spends too much on its health care. We do, indeed, allocate quite a bit more to health care, at 16% or so of the gross domestic product (GDP), than other nations do. By way of comparison, Japan, a

Quantifying Imaging’s Value to Patients

Contrary to popular belief among regulators and payors, imaging studies do, in fact, contribute to improved patient care, according to a to-be-published study, “The Association Between Hospital Outcomes and Diagnostic Imaging: Could More Be Better?” by David W. Lee, PhD, and David Foster, PhD.

RIS Migration at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

It’s as extreme a transition as any IT professional could imagine: moving from a remotely hosted RIS to a fully integrated RIS/PACS over the course of just a few short months. Bill Cummins and his team, however, had ample motivation to make the switch. The director of medical imaging at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center (CRMC) in Wyoming had seen

Health Care Reform and Medical Imaging: The 10,000-foot View

Sponsored by Hitachi Healthcare Americas

The Obama administration is pursuing an aggressive timetable to deliver on a campaign promise to make affordable health care available to all US residents. Though the task is daunting, the original timetable of late autumn is still achievable.

Iterative Reconstruction: Ready for Its Close-up?

Enhanced image clarity, less noise, and half the radiation exposure for patients: sound good? It’s true. It’s iterative reconstruction, and it’s a mounting wave in multidetector CT technology. There’s only one catch—it’s time-consuming unless you happen to have the proprietary software of the single vendor that has come to market with a workflow