Heart Failure

Heart failure occurs when the heart cannot pump as much blood as the body requires. This ineffective pumping can lead to enlargement of the heart as the myocardium works harder pump the same amount of blood. Heart failure may be caused by defects in the myocardium, such as an a heart attack infarct, or due to structural issues such as severe heart valve regurgitation. Heart failure can be divided into HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), and HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). The disease is further divided into four New York Heart Association (NYHA) classes. Stage IV heart failure is when the heart is completely failing and requires a heart transplant or hemodynamic support from a left ventricular assist device (LVAD).


America’s most expensive CV drug needs a 93% price cut

A 92.6% reduction in the list price of tafamidis—an effective but ultimately unaffordable drug designed to treat transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy—would be required to make the medication accessible to the average heart patient, researchers reported in Circulation Feb. 12.

FDA delayed reporting, recalling faulty HF pacemaker for more than 1 year

Medtronic and the FDA were both aware of battery and wire connection defects in a now-recalled heart failure pacemaker for over a year before patients developed serious side effects, according to a report published in JAMA Internal Medicine.


CV outcomes underreported in pivotal anticancer trials

A recent review of pivotal cancer drug trials suggests that CVD and adverse cardiovascular outcomes are underreported in studies of new cancer therapies, despite an increasing risk of cardiotoxicity in oncological drugs.


Palliative care needs projected to nearly double over next 30 years

Research out of Ireland suggests end-of-life care needs will nearly double over the next three decades, corresponding to an increase of 84% by 2046.


LVAD-supported patients suffer from ‘severely impaired’ exercise capacity

Despite other quality of life improvements, heart patients supported by left ventricular assist devices face “severely impaired” exercise capacity, according to a study published online in JACC: Heart Failure.


Making history: Lab-grown cardiomyocytes successfully transplanted for 1st time

Lab-growing cardiomyocytes have been transplanted into a human patient for the first time in medical history, according to a report from the Japan Times.


Cancer drug could be repurposed to treat HFpEF

Scientists have uncovered a potential new treatment for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)—and it’s one that already exists.


Study proves diabetes is an independent predictor of HF

A cross-structural analysis published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings this January independently links diabetes to the development of heart failure, suggesting diabetic cardiomyopathy is a real—and growing—issue in the U.S.