Clinical Research

#covidboostersideeffects #axillarylympadenopathy

COVID booster side effects: How long does axillary lymphadenopathy last after vaccination?

Axillary lymphadenopathy following COVID vaccination and/or boosters is a finding all radiologists must be mindful of when interpreting imaging, but new data clarify the timeline for when the side effect should resolve.


New scoring system predicts rupture risk for patients with arteriovenous malformations

The risk stratification system was put to the test in more than 3,000 cases and proved itself to be a beneficial tool in predicting future AVM rupture across multiple risk groups.

Large study finds high rates of nonadherence to statin recommendations; women especially averse

Many patients who would clearly benefit by lowered LDL cholesterol levels are choosing to forgo first-time recommendations for statin regimens, according to a population-level study. 

knee x-ray

Nonsurgical IR treatment reduces chronic knee pain for adults over 50

People over age 50 with chronic knee can pain enjoy significant pain reduction after genicular nerve radiofrequency ablation, according to new research to be presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology’s Annual Scientific Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. 

Chemical imaging method could improve radiotherapy planning

A team of experts has been researching a method known as photo acoustic chemical imaging, or PACI, to understand how it can offer added insight into the chemical makeup of a tumor.  


GE HealthCare's new MRI contrast agent advances to clinical trial

Experts are hopeful that the first-of-its-kind injectable manganese-based macrocyclic agent will offer a suitable alternative to GBCAs, as it can be more efficiently eliminated from the body.

artificial intelligence AI deep learning

AI model uses DNA to predict AFib, heart failure

Scientists were able to identify a total of 21 genes linked to cardiovascular conditions such as AFib and heart failure.

#robotassistedprocedures #interventionalprocedures

Robot-assisted needle positioning in CT-guided procedures improves accuracy, reduces repeats

Compared to freehand techniques during procedures requiring needle positioning, robot assistance results in fewer adjustments, even for seasoned interventional radiologists.