Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.


Stanford researchers say hospitals overcount pediatric COVID cases

Hospitalizations among children for COVID-19 are likely being overcounted, according to Stanford researchers.

AMA launches new telehealth initiative

The American Medical Association has launched a new initiative aimed at re-envisioning virtual care and ensuring that healthcare stakeholders understand its full potential.


Psychiatry turns to AI for new help with an old problem

AI is poised to help settle an argument that’s been roiling academic psychiatry for more than a century: Are bipolar disorder and schizophrenia two distinct diagnoses—or points along a single continuum?

vaccine syringe covid-19 coronavirus

Duke researchers present new vaccine to prevent all future COVID-like pandemics

Researchers at Duke University are working on a vaccine that has the potential to stop future pandemics by protecting against a variety of coronavirus infections that can jump from animals to humans.


Amazon launches medication price comparison tools

E-commerce giant Amazon has enabled an online price comparison tool for customers to find and compare the expected price of their medication.


LAAO significantly lowers the risk of stroke after surgery among heart rhythm patients

“This is a procedure that’s done once, and it keeps giving a benefit over time,” one researcher said. “This is going to prevent thousands of strokes.”


Novel diabetes AI outperforms older algorithms, integrates with commercial EHR

A novel AI-based model for clinical decision support has bested established machine-learning models at predicting how patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus will respond to various categories of therapeutic drugs.


‘No better time than now’: ACC, AHA share new guidance on ethics and professionalism in cardiovascular care

“As much as 80% of a person’s health is determined by the social and economic conditions of their environment,” one specialist said.