Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

Beloved Ohio cardiologist dies at 91

Walter H. Roehll Jr., MD, is remembered for his kindness and dedication to patient care. 

AI enables faster, smarter inoculations at COVID drive-throughs

Academic experts in disaster response have developed an AI-based simulation model that accurately predicts ebbs and flows in traffic at drive-through vaccination stations.


Amazon, JPMorgan and Berkshire Hathaway pulling the plug on Haven

The company had planned to model digital healthcare transformation by innovating transparent and replicable ways to cover and serve its combined 1.5 million employees.

Online bullying of physicians common across the board, but women docs face much more sexual harassment

Almost a quarter of surveyed physicians say they’ve been personally attacked on social media or by other online means. That’s men and women alike, and in about equal ratios.

Chest X-rays, bloodwork all algorithm needs to predict COVID severity in incoming patients

A new deep learning algorithm quickly and accurately forecasts outcomes of COVID-positive patients in the ER going by routine workup information.

COVID-19 coronavirus burnout depression pandemic

10 helpful tips for heart rhythm patients as the COVID-19 pandemic continues

The new analysis, published in Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, was designed to help patients stay informed and avoid unnecessary stress during this challenging time. 

‘Deep aging clocks’ show why you’re only as old as you feel

Researchers have demonstrated two deep learning tools aimed at uncovering the psychology of aging.

Canadian radiation oncology ripe for AI education

Only 19 of 159 radiation oncology professionals working across Canada, or 12%, feel they’re well-versed in AI. However, more than 90% are open to learning its ways.