Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

US led the world in medical AI research from 1975 to 2020

Analyzing the scientific literature on medical AI published over the past 46 years, researchers in the U.K. have found the U.S. far ahead of the field for sheer quantity.


Prostate-specific AI cleared for market

The FDA has greenlit a European company’s AI software package designed to streamline workflow for radiologists reading prostate MRIs.

Google Health makes like a PhD candidate defending thesis

Google Health all but invited the blowback when its AI developer-researchers suggested their breast-cancer model may be superior to radiologists’ eyes and generalizable across differing demographics.


CVS seeking 15K healthcare workers for virus season, possibly beyond

The largest pharmacy chain in the U.S. is staffing up for fall and winter. It’s also calling for regulation that would allow pharmacy technicians to administer vaccinations in all states.  

Clarion call: Healthcare AI’s advance depends on AI developers’ transparency

If big data is to fulfill its potential for advancing the state of modern healthcare, developers of medical AI must be willing to show their work. 

Deep learning shows promise for cutting overutilization of lumbar imaging, surgery

Low-back imaging and interventions are often named among healthcare’s iffiest expenses due to the hit-or-miss predictability of the outcomes.

Top 20 states for healthcare access

Hawaii is the state with the best overall access to healthcare, achieving high scores for percentages of residents with a personal physician and children with a medical home while minimizing unmet needs for mental healthcare and doctor avoidance due to cost.


Medical scribes can reduce burnout among cardiologists—and they practically pay for themselves

Medical scribes can save cardiologists a lot of time, and seeing just one additional patient a day would cover the additional costs.