Diagnostic screening programs help catch cancer, abnormalities or other diseases before they reach an advanced stage, saving lives and healthcare costs. Screening programs include, lung, breast, prostate, and cervical cancer, among many others.
In conjunction with prevention efforts, the introduction of screening examinations has resulted in a reduction of nearly 6 million cancer-related deaths since 1975.
Breast density is most often discussed within the context of cancer risk, but new research suggests that it also could be used as a marker of cardiometabolic health.
The newly cleared offering, AutoChamber, was designed with opportunistic screening in mind. It can evaluate many different kinds of CT images, including those originally gathered to screen patients for lung cancer.
The latest U.S. Food and Drug Administration data on mammography systems installed nationwide shows DBT systems are rapidly replacing traditional 2D full field digital mammography units.
"The delay in morphological development cannot be fully recuperated during the course of the pregnancy, as is shown by the 20-week ultrasound scans and birth weights,” experts cautioned in Human Reproduction.
“The findings indicate that the DBT spot compression view can be performed in routine clinical practice to improve characterization of subtle or ambiguous findings on DBT,” experts wrote in AJR.
Concerningly, the number of patients diagnosed with stage 4 disease increased from 1.9% in 2019 to 6.2% in 2020, experts reported in JAMA Network Open.
Reactive axillary lymph nodes seen on screening mammograms after vaccination can last for many months and should not be cause for imaging delays, experts reported in Radiology.