Diagnostic screening programs help catch cancer, abnormalities or other diseases before they reach an advanced stage, saving lives and healthcare costs. Screening programs include, lung, breast, prostate, and cervical cancer, among many others.
In conjunction with prevention efforts, the introduction of screening examinations has resulted in a reduction of nearly 6 million cancer-related deaths since 1975.
Breast density is most often discussed within the context of cancer risk, but new research suggests that it also could be used as a marker of cardiometabolic health.
The newly cleared offering, AutoChamber, was designed with opportunistic screening in mind. It can evaluate many different kinds of CT images, including those originally gathered to screen patients for lung cancer.
The bills update the ages at which insurance carriers are required to cover screening mammograms and add language that includes tomosynthesis in the definition of mammographic screening.
Research published recently in BMC Pulmonary Medicine examined associations between findings on low dose computed tomography screenings and other conditions, such as cardiovascular, respiratory and oncologic diseases.
The software was trained using more than 700 images and achieved a breast density classification accuracy of 89%, experts recently shared in Radiology: Artificial Intelligence.
Women with breast arterial calcifications are 51% more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke, experts explained recently in Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging.
In an exclusive video, Stacey Wolfson, MD, and Beatriu Reig, MD, MPH, from the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, discuss the findings of their new analysis.
There are not yet consensus-based guidelines available for screening women with dense breast tissue, so researchers at Mayo Clinic recently developed a set of recommendations regarding supplemental screening.
The analysis examined 620 cancer imaging studies from the top 25 imaging-related journals to come up with publication-to-incidence and publication-to-mortality ratios.