
This page includes content on healthcare management, including health system, hospital, department and clinic business management and administration. Areas of focus are on cardiology and radiology department business administration. Subcategories covered in this section include healthcare economics, reimbursement, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, policy and regulations, practice management, quality, staffing, and supply chain.

CXOFiles No.7 Saunders and Mid-South Imaging Bet on Quality

Worth M. Saunders, MHA, has served as chief administrator for the 32-radiologist Mid-South Imaging and Therapeutics, PA, Memphis, Tenn, since 2003. The position was a change of pace for the outpatient-imaging veteran, who worked for Radiologix for six years prior. Primarily a hospital-based practice, Mid-South serves six of the 14 hospitals

Imaging’s Shifting Center of Gravity

Outpatient imaging as a market is undergoing metamorphosis, and, though unfamiliar to many in its ranks, such change is common in most every market. As any economist would attest, markets are fluid and undergo periods of growth and decline that are referred to as life cycles. It is the same with products within markets, and is quite often the same

Achieving Return on a Dedicated 3D Service

A dedicated 3D service can improve patient care and enhance operational efficiency. Building and operating such a service requires a significant investment in staff, equipment, information technology (IT), space, overhead and other expenses; however, both improving care and realizing a return on investment (ROI) on these expenditures is often a

UnitedHealthcare Accreditation Mandate: Why They Did It

Last January, UnitedHealthcare, Edina, Minn, became the first insurer in America to require nationwide accreditation for all outpatient-imaging providers, effective March 2008. The mandate applies equally to all outpatient providers of MRI, CT, PET, nuclear medicine, nuclear cardiology, and echocardiography. Providers have a choice of being

Share and Share Alike? Split Interpretations Pose a Challenge to Radiologists.

As if radiologists were not facing sufficient challenges of late, they now are seeing increasing interest from cardiologists seeking to promote the sharing of certain studies. In some hospital settings, the cardiologists ask for an exception to the radiologists’ exclusive contract, so that the cardiologists can serve as additional interpreters of

IT as Gatekeeper: Who’s on PACS?

Allowing physicians, whether they are referrers or outside specialists, access to an outpatient radiology practice’s PACS is a subject that is being discussed with increasing frequency among CIOs.

Breast Imaging Paradox: It’s About the Annuity

In 2002, Norwalk Radiology—like many radiology practices across the nation—reached a crossroads. Prepare to invest in expensive new digital mammography technology or stop doing mammograms. In fact, more mammography centers in the U.S. closed than opened between 2001 and 2004, but in Norwalk, Conn, practice president Allan Richman, MD, rightly

Legislative Update: Calculating the True Cost of the DRA

As the medical imaging industry is well aware, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), effective January 1, 2007, directed severe reductions in payments for many imaging services in the physician office and independent facility setting. Under the DRA, the payment for the technical component (e.g., equipment, non-physician personnel, supplies, and