
This page includes content on healthcare management, including health system, hospital, department and clinic business management and administration. Areas of focus are on cardiology and radiology department business administration. Subcategories covered in this section include healthcare economics, reimbursement, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, policy and regulations, practice management, quality, staffing, and supply chain.

The 3D Imaging Lab:In-house or Outsource?

Staying abreast with (or, better yet, staying ahead of) the imaging-technology curve clearly follows a clinical imperative. Better imaging tools—in this case, 3D postprocessed reconstructions—have an immediate payoff for patient care. When a surgeon can use 3D imaging to measure and plan a vascular procedure better, for instance, the clinical

Does Size Matter?

The recent business news about Microsoft making a run at Yahoo has me ruminating about the deal-making climate in outpatient imaging and how the current trend toward strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions is changing the competitive landscape in many markets around the country. RadNet’s acquisition activity alone is driving consolidation

The Shifting Landscape of Cardiac CT Angiography Reimbursement

Many imaging providers have been wishing for changes in reimbursement policies for cardiac CT angiography (CCTA) for some time. Changes are about to be made, but those wishes may not be granted. In December 2007, CMS proposed major restrictions on coverage for CCTA that could take effect as early as March 2008. The conclusions that CMS discussed in

Marketing the OIC: Is It Time to Go Directly to Patients?

Across the nation, outpatient imaging centers (OICs) are looking for ways to protect what they have built and ways to grow. Protection strategies usually involve shoring up relationships with key referrers and ensuring that the practice brand is established and being supported in every department.

How Managed Care Targets Imaging Centers—and How to Fight Back

Sponsored by Hitachi Healthcare Americas

With the cost of advanced imaging technology always on the rise and reimbursement continually declining, now, more than ever, it is crucial that imaging centers negotiate optimal managed care contracts. Unfortunately, managed care is currently targeting imaging centers, owing to concerns about overutilization and escalating costs. How can imaging

Improving Gadolinium-based Contrast Safety

It is clear that gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCA) for MRI improve detection (sensitivity), characterization (specificity), disease staging, and diagnostic confidence levels. It has also become clear that nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is associated with their use in patients with preexisting kidney disease. For radiology, the challenge

Q & A With Doyle Rabe: Leading Texas-sized Austin Radiological Association

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

When it comes to size and influence, Austin Radiological Association (ARA) has few peers. The practice of 72—and soon to be more—radiologists employs 700 people (580 FTEs) in Austin. In addition to covering every one of the 16 hospitals in central Texas, ARA archives most of the radiological images generated at those sites on its regional PACS. The

Consolidation Ahead: Imaging Mergers and Acquisitions

Over the past 10 years or so, there have been distinct phases in mergers and acquisitions in the medical imaging market. At the turn of the millennium, there was optimism about the state of the market, and consolidation was taking place at the volume that was to be expected, based on the conditions of the time.