
This channel highlights factors that impact hospital and healthcare economics and revenue. This includes news on healthcare policies, reimbursement, marketing, business plans, mergers and acquisitions, supply chain, salaries, staffing, and the implementation of a cost-effective environment for patients and providers.


Radiologists made more than $16M in federal political contributions from 2003 to 2016

Self-identified radiologists made $16.25 million in federal political contributions from 2003 to 2016, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.


California bill aims to remove sugary beverages as default options for kids’ meals

A bill advancing through the California legislature seeks to remove soda, juice and chocolate milk as default options for kids’ meals and prevent them from being advertised alongside food marketed toward children.


ACO participation doesn’t change use of coronary revascularization

Providers were just as likely to perform low-value coronary revascularizations after joining an accountable care organization (ACO), a new analysis found. Considering ACOs are designed to curb healthcare spending, these findings suggest their current setup doesn’t properly incentivize specialists to change their behavior.


Screening tool detects early cognitive decline from home

Researchers from Switzerland and the United Kingdom have developed an in-home screening tool capable of testing early cognitive decline in dementia.


7 ways digital health is transforming patient care

Digital tools are changing the way patients think about healthcare and how they want to access care, according to a survey conducted by Aetna.


Radiology departments lose $1M a year due to no-shows

Outpatient no-shows for scheduled imaging exams can cost a radiology department at a standard U.S. academic medical center as much as $1 million in lost revenue per year, according to a study published in Academic Radiology.


Language processing algorithm 97.6% accurate using clinical data to detect disease symptoms

Researchers have developed a natural language processing algorithm, trained on clinical record data, capable of detecting disease symptoms with high accuracy, according to a study published June 15 in the JMIR Medical Informatics.


5 ways to close the ‘unacceptable gap’ in cancer care between developed, developing nations

Filling the noticeable gap in quality cancer care between high- and low-income countries is a daunting task, but one that’s worth the effort, a group of experts recently reported in Radiotherapy and Oncology.