
This channel highlights factors that impact hospital and healthcare economics and revenue. This includes news on healthcare policies, reimbursement, marketing, business plans, mergers and acquisitions, supply chain, salaries, staffing, and the implementation of a cost-effective environment for patients and providers.


It’s official: U.S. puts first tariffs into effect on Chinese products, including medical imaging equipment

On Friday, July 6, tariffs on $34 billion worth of products imported from China—including x-ray, CT and MRI equipment—officially went into effect. Tariffs on another $16 billion worth of products are expected to kick in in a matter of weeks.


How risk-based breast cancer screening could cut costs, reduce overdiagnosis

Breast cancer screening programs could reduce both costs and overdiagnosis by focusing on at-risk women, according to a new study published by JAMA Oncology.

ASCVD leads to ‘catastrophic’ costs for 2M low-income US families each year

Health insurance does little to protect low-income families from crippling financial hardship when a relative has atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), according to a study published July 3 in JAMA Cardiology.

Physician: Fear—not facts—drives FDA’s rules for gay blood donors

The FDA’s rules preventing sexually active gay men from donating blood are discriminatory and based on outdated fears, a physician wrote in an op-ed piece for the Los Angeles Times.


Mississippi man billed $4K for CT after hospital said insurance would cover it

Jimmie Taggart, 59, visited the clinic at North Mississippi Medical Center in West Point for back pain that CT confirmed to be kidney stones. But the real trouble came when he received a $4,051 bill in the mail after the hospital said his insurance would cover the scan.

Patient refuses to pay for pricey CT scan he expected insurance to cover

Jimmie Taggart went to North Mississippi Medical Center in West Point, Mississippi, complaining about severe back pain. When his doctor recommended an abdominal CT scan to confirm he had kidney stones, however, he wouldn’t agree to the procedure. He was afraid of how much it would cost.


CMS to reconsider TAVR volume requirements

CMS is taking public comments ahead of a Medicare Evidence Development and Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) meeting July 25 in which panelists will discuss procedural volume requirements for centers to begin and maintain a transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) program.


Radiologists totaled $16M in federal political contributions from 2003 to 2016—most went to RADPAC

Self-identified radiologists tallied more than $16 million in political contributions between 2003 and 2016, a Journal of the American College of Radiology study found. The majority of those dollars went to the Radiology Political Action Committee (RADPAC).