
This channel highlights factors that impact hospital and healthcare economics and revenue. This includes news on healthcare policies, reimbursement, marketing, business plans, mergers and acquisitions, supply chain, salaries, staffing, and the implementation of a cost-effective environment for patients and providers.

Movement toward same-day discharge for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) patients to reduce healthcare costs.

Same-day discharge for TAVR marks new procedural milestone

One morning last year, a patient checked into a hospital in Canada as the first TAVR case of the day, and they were discharge by that evening. It was an eyebrow-raising feat for a procedure that typically requires several days of hospitalization.

January 12, 2016
Michael R. Mabry

RBMA’s Mabry: Radiology will rediscover role as doctor’s doctor

Sponsored by vRad

As the "volume to value" movement reshapes healthcare economics across the U.S., radiology is reminded daily that it is by no means exempt from the new and somewhat nebulous fiscal demands.

Dual-energy CT: Is it what the doctor ordered for the cost-conscious community hospital?

Sponsored by Hitachi Healthcare Americas

A hospital seeking to replace CT technology that does not meet the XR-29 standard has a wide range of slice counts and capabilities to consider, all the way up to state-of-the-art—but pricey—dual energy CT (DECT).

MIPS packs positive—and potentially negative—punch for radiology

Sponsored by vRad

April 16, 2015, marked the beginning of a seismic shift in the healthcare landscape. On that day, the U.S. Senate passed H.R. 2, the MACRA, which repeals the SGR formula, extends the CHIP for two years, institutes a 0.5% increase in Medicare reimbursement over the next four and a half years and encourages physicians to transition to APMs.

Stephen R. Holtzman, MD, MS

Merge imaging solutions help one practice establish lean, mean radiology process

Sponsored by Merge, an IBM company

Radiology has been hit hard by reimbursement cuts and regulations but the cutting-edge tools available are helping practices stay ahead of all the changes impacting the market.

Thomas W. Greeson

Medicare Overpayment Refunds in the Spotlight

The practice has identified a billing error or a compliance problem impacting Medicare coverage that resulted in the practice having received an overpayment from Medicare.

September 28, 2015

Companies look to transition retirees to health exchanges

Challenges and opportunities created by the Affordable Care Act are prompting two-thirds of companies to consider altering their pre-65 retiree health strategies over the next few years, according to a new Aon Hewitt survey.

May 28, 2015

Physicians seek payer inclusion, not impediment

With all the daily obstacles facing physicians these days, getting paid for the services they provide to keep patients healthy should be easy. Unfortunately, it isn't always.

May 28, 2015