
This channel newsfeed includes clinical content on treating patients or the clinical implications in a variety of cardiac subspecialties and disease states. The channel includes news on cardiac surgery, interventional cardiologyheart failure, electrophysiologyhypertension, structural heart disease, use of pharmaceuticals, and COVID-19.   

Bharath Krishnamurthy, a director of health policy and analytics at the American Hospital Association (AHA), factors that are leading to instability the U.S. healthcare system. #AHA #AmericanHospitalAssociation #CMS #Healthcare

Challenges to the financial stability of the American healthcare system

Bharath Krishnamurthy, director of health policy and analytics, American Hospital Association, explains factors leading to the economic instability of the U.S. healthcare system. 

Boston Scientific's Sentinel Cerebral Protection System during a TAVR procedure

Cerebral protection during TAVR linked to lower risk of major stroke, other key benefits

Using a cerebral protection device during TAVR was associated with lower readmission rates, shorter hospital stays—and, yes, a lower risk of patients suffering a major stroke. A team of specialists with Cleveland Clinic shared their new findings in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Cardiovalve heart valve transfemoral TMVR TTVR

Cardiologists first in world to use new heart valve for TMVR, TTVR on same patient

Identical Cardiovalve systems were used to perform the procedures 18 months apart on a high-risk heart patient. 

Bayer finerenone Kerendia heart failure MOONRAKER

Bayer’s finerenone benefits heart failure patients

Finerenone, sold under the brand name Kerendia, is already approved by the FDA for reducing heart and kidney risks in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and type 2 diabetes. Bayer plans on presenting the new data in full at ESC Congress 2024 in London. 

CVRx Barostim illustration

CMS increases inpatient payment for implantable Barostim device

CVRx has now received improved outpatient and inpatient reimbursements for its implantable heart failure device in the last 12 months. The company's president says these updates will help more patients gain access to the Barostim technology. 

Medtronic CoreValve TAVR first-generation transcatheter heart valve

First-generation Medtronic TAVR valves linked to strong outcomes after 12 years

Researchers tracked the long-term safety, effectiveness and durability of first-generation CoreValve devices in nearly 900 patients.

Novartis sues FDA over ‘unlawful’ approval of generic heart failure drug

The drugmaker argues that the FDA's recent approval of a generic version of Entresto should not be allowed for multiple reasons. Novartis sent multiple requests to the agency hoping to stop the approval, but the FDA denied each one. 

Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre 3 integrated continuous glucose monitoring (iCGM) system

Abbott says some FreeStyle Libre 3 sensors need replacement—patients should discontinue use

The new medical device correction only includes a select number of devices. Abbott said they produce inaccurate readings, putting patient health at risk.