Researchers involved in its development are hopeful that the scanner could eventually lead to improved outcomes in cancer patients who require surgery to remove malignant tissue.
The Learning-based Inference of Longitudinal imAge Changes, or LILAC, system harnesses machine learning to review medical images that have been collected over a prolonged period.
These animals are virtually indestructible and have long outlived the dinosaurs due to their ability to withstand extreme cold, heat, natural disasters and even cosmic radiation.
The algorithm has an edge over standard black box-style artificial intelligence applications because providers are able to see how it reaches conclusions.
Vivek Reddy, MD, was involved in most of the late-breaking pulsed field ablation trials at Heart Rhythm 2024. He spoke to Cardiovascular Business at the conference about those trials and what they mean going forward.
It's clear that advanced AI algorithms will radically transform care for TAVR patients in the years ahead. For now, however, certain AI models may require too much data to be helpful on a consistent basis.
As a person’s concentration dwindles during resting state or task-based sequences, the resultant brain activity observed on imaging could be misleading.