Clinical Research

stomach gastrointestinal digestive

New radiopharmaceutical targeted at gastrointenstinal cancers yields impressive results

Trial results thus far indicate the drug can significantly extend progression-free survival compared to current standard of care treatments.

cardiologists heart doctors

Cardiologists agree: Early TAVR or SAVR for asymptomatic severe AS limits strokes, hospitalizations

Two separate groups have published new research comparing early AVR with clinical surveillance for the treatment of asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis. Overall, the two groups found, early treatment was associated with multiple benefits—and no added risk of harm.

VI-RADS threshold, imaging features predict bladder cancer invasiveness with nearly 100% accuracy

New findings related to Vesical Imaging-Reporting and Data System scores and specific MRI findings could improve the management of bladder cancer. 

FCI scanner more ably detects cancer spread than traditional MRI

New low-field scanner detects cancer spread better than traditional breast MRI

Researchers involved in its development are hopeful that the scanner could eventually lead to improved outcomes in cancer patients who require surgery to remove malignant tissue. 

AI detects subtle changes in images over time.

Adaptable AI system detects subtle changes in imaging, has potential across multiple clinical settings

The Learning-based Inference of Longitudinal imAge Changes, or LILAC, system harnesses machine learning to review medical images that have been collected over a prolonged period.

Proteins in tardigrades could help prevent radiation-induced side effects.

Tiny 'water bears' may hold key to reducing radiation-induced side effects

These animals are virtually indestructible and have long outlived the dinosaurs due to their ability to withstand extreme cold, heat, natural disasters and even cosmic radiation.


New algorithm models radiologists' eye movements to interpret chest X-rays

The algorithm has an edge over standard black box-style artificial intelligence applications because providers are able to see how it reaches conclusions.

Children show signs of post-COVID lung damage on MRI.

Advanced MRI shows decreased lung function in kids with persistent COVID symptoms

New research findings may help explain why children recovering from COVID-19 continue to struggle with lingering fatigue.