Practice Management

Practice management involves overseeing all business aspects of a medical practice including financials, human resources, information technology, compliance, marketing and operations.


Bayer acquires AI solutions provider Blackford Analysis

The Edinburgh-based business made the announcement on Jan. 18, noting that the acquisition will build on the company’s goals to “improve the lives of patients and populations by unlocking the adoption and benefits of medical imaging AI.” 

January 18, 2023

Do non-physician providers request contrast-enhanced imaging more often?

The growing presence of non-physician practitioners has created an increased demand for contrast-enhanced imaging, according to new data.

January 17, 2023

Groups clash with CMS over independent dispute resolution

The heads of RBMA and three other medical management associations are locking arms and pointing their voices in the general direction of Washington.

January 13, 2023
kid child pediatric MRI imaging

Number of kids needing sedation prior to imaging drastically drops following intervention

At one institution, the intervention resulted in an average cost savings of $139,367.80 per year.

January 13, 2023

'Reflexive management' of incidental findings causes more harm than good

While there are numerous formulas to help guide providers in managing incidental findings, there is limited data available on the outcomes and cost-effectiveness of the subsequent evaluations that follow.

January 12, 2023
insurance payer payment insurer

Autonomous radiology stalwart taking health insurance internal

The independent-practice coalition Strategic Radiology has founded a captive health insurance program to offer its 1,500 or so member physicians and their respective support staffs.  

January 10, 2023
Virtual Meeting

What radiologists should consider before taking on a remote position

Radiology is one of the few medical specialties that allow for location flexibility, but what clinicians gain in the convenience of working from home, they lose in the form of fulfillment that only physical presence can offer, some argue. 

January 9, 2023

Emerging imaging technologies boosted by COVID research

As the field of radiology research adapted to withstand the pandemic’s challenges, it morphed in some decidedly beneficial ways.

January 9, 2023