Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

National Science Foundation AI Institutes

$140M in federal funds primed to advance AI across 7 realms

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is setting up seven new institutes for studying foundational AI. Two of the initiatives have healthcare as a prime focus.

Samsung galaxy smartwatch showing atrial fibrillation (AFib) alerts

FDA clears AFib alerts for Samsung smartwatches

Samsung's smartwatches, already equipped with ECG technology, will now be able to alert users when signs of an irregular heart rhythm are detected. 


Radiology societies urge commercial insurers to align with Medicare on payment policy for key procedure

Imaging groups and pain-management associations urged Humana, Aetna and others to lift restrictions around procedures to treat compression fractures. 

insurance payer payment insurer

'Burdensome' Medicare Advantage prior authorization requirements cause delays or denials at 97% of practices

A new Medical Group Management Association report details how the problematic policies are negatively impacting patient care.

Christina Caraballo, MBA, HIMSS vice president of informatics, explains that healthcare system data is increasingly moving into the cloud. Healthcare is catching up to others industries in the consumer space that already leverage cloud data storage and computing power to enable instant, anywhere access to data.

Healthcare IT data storage is moving to the cloud

Christina Caraballo, MBA, HIMSS vice president of informatics, explains that healthcare data is increasingly moving into the cloud to keep up with the times and allow immediate, instant access.


How improving access to PCI affects heart attack outcomes

When PCI-capable hospitals open and close, how does it impact patient care for the surrounding area? Researchers aimed to find out, sharing their findings in JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions.

PHOTO GALLERY: Cardiac technologies on display at HIMSS 2023

Click through a series of photos of cardiology-related technologies from the world's largest health IT conference.

Banner ASC in Sun City, Arizona.

Observation times following renal biopsies can be significantly reduced, according to new research

New findings indicate that monitoring times following renal mass biopsy could be revisited in many cases without posing risks to patients.