Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

men women Alzheimers

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.


Risk model helps radiologists predict whether patients will experience contrast-associated injury after CT

The study represents the largest and most comprehensive investigation of contrast-associated acute kidney injury in patients with cancer. 

patient acceptance of medical AI is rising

Is crafty ‘Dr. AI’ already siphoning mindshare from actual doctors?

Patients can be persuaded to place almost as much confidence in diagnostic AI as they have in primary care physicians.

A figure from the HRS remote monitoring consensus document on staffing challenges with remote monitoring.

Electrophysiology experts issue recommendations for remote monitoring of CIEDs

The Heart Rhythm Society released a new expert consensus statement on the management of remote device clinics for implantable EP devices.


RadNet joins chorus urging USPSTF to go further with breast cancer screening updates

The company delivers 1.5M mammograms each year, and its data support the need for annual screening, leaders said, 

Is warming iodinated contrast prior to use really necessary?

The ACR Manual on Contrast Media suggests that highly viscous ICM should be warmed to body temperature prior to administration when using high-rate intravenous low-osmolality power injections, viscous iodinated CM, small-caliber catheters, or for timed studies looking at peak enhancement.   

Assert-IQ Abbott ICM

Abbott’s new long-term ICM gains FDA approval

The newly approved device is powered by Bluetooth technology and available with a three- or six-year battery.

artificial intelligence investment

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.