Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.


Now comes the ‘largest private-sector doctors’ union’ in the country

The inclination to organize and sound off for better working conditions and more patient-centric job descriptions continues to spread among healthcare workers.

ACC President Hadley Wilson, MD, explained the impact of 4 key ESC 2023 IVUS and OCT intravascular imaging trials and wht thaey will l;ikely influence PCI guidelines. #ESC ESC23 #ESC2023 #ACC

Intravascular imaging for PCI gets a big boost from recent studies

ACC President Hadley Wilson, MD, explains the big impact four late-breaking studies on intravascular imaging may have on revising PCI guidelines.

Direct acyclic graph representing a causal structural model of mediation of the association between obesity in early pregnancy and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors after delivery. E indicates exposure; GDM, gestational diabetes; HDP, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy; M, mediators; O, outcome; PTB, preterm birth; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SGA, small-for-gestational-age birth; and TC, total cholesterol. *Variable included in sensitivity analysis.

Pregnancy complications increase and unmask cardiovascular risks in obese patients in NIH study

New research is providing a broader understanding of how cardiovascular disease risk manifests following pregnancy. Having obesity before and during early pregnancy appears to be a strong indicator of risk for developing future cardiovascular disease and was significantly linked with adverse outcomes during pregnancy.

lung cancer screening

Radiology experts score $4.6M grant to develop liquid biopsy technology for early lung cancer detection

“The goal is to create a blood test that can be used in clinics to complement CT imaging assessment of lung nodules for cancer risk," UCLA radiologist Denise Aberle noted. 


University of Chicago imaging startup scores $10M from Swiss investment firm

Clarix Imaging has created a “state of the art,” point-of-care platform that allows radiologists to assess surgical specimens in real time. 

healthcare hospital labor strike

Hospital payroll squeeze: Will strikes pick up where pandemic resignations left off?

During the height of the COVID-19 crisis, around 1 in 5 nonphysician healthcare workers quit their jobs. That was then and this is now. (Plus: Hospital quotes of the week) 

Newsweek ranked the 50 best heart hospitals in the world

One-stop cardiology clinic opens, offering same-day CVD diagnoses

The new healthcare facility is the first of its kind, offering same-day cardiac imaging scans, cardiologist consultations and diagnoses. 

Impella Heart Pump Abiomed RECOVER IV RCT cardiogenic shock

FDA warns Abiomed about ‘significant violations’ related to its Impella heart pumps

The agency said Abiomed did not seek the necessary approvals for one Impella-related device and was slow to act on certain safety concerns.