Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.


Florida cardiology practices unite with help from private equity-backed cardiovascular group

The two neighboring practices have joined forces to provide improved cardiovascular care for patients throughout the Sunshine State. 


Heart surgeons alarmed by high number of young patients choosing TAVR over SAVR

Nearly 50% of patients under the age of 60 are now opting for TAVR over SAVR, according to a new study presented at STS 2024 in San Antonio. "We owe it to our patients to take a more prominent role in providing the highest quality evidence to help our patients make these major healthcare decisions," one researcher said. 


AI-enhanced music used to ease anxiety during an MRI

HealthTunes is a nonprofit that produces artificial intelligence-powered music to create a soothing effect.

Element Science Jewel Patch Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator (P-WCD)

New patch-based wearable defibrillator receives CE mark approval

The device, which also received Great Britain’s UKCA marking, was specifically designed to be less bulky and easier to wear than other wearable cardioverter-defibrillators.

Money magazine best hospitals

24 hospitals earn ‘A+’ or ‘A’ for overall performance

Going by criteria set and applied by Money magazine, only two of America’s 6,000 or so hospitals deserve the title “best of the best.”


Nearly half of patients surveyed believe MRI exposes individuals to ionizing radiation

Another 36% think that both magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography use the same technology to create diagnostic images. 

Souptik Barua, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Precision Medicine, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, explains how artificial intelligence (AI) and wearable accelerometers can be used in cardiac rehabilitation to phenotype step-count trajectories in older adults.

Leveraging AI and wearables for enhanced cardiac rehabilitation monitoring

NYU Grossman School of Medicine researchers used artificial intelligence and wearable activity trackers to improve the monitoring and classification of older adult cardiac rehabilitation patients.


Radiology experts develop tool for predicting whether patients will require advanced imaging

The Neiman Imaging Comorbidity Index was created using claims from over 10.5 million individuals covered by a large commercial payer.