Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

semaglutide wegovy Novo Nordisk major adverse cardiovascular events

New formula could mean diabetes and weight loss drugs such as semaglutide are only needed every 4 months

GLP-1 agonists are often taken as daily or weekly injections. A new delivery system could help make it so those same drugs are only required three times per year. 

Cardiawave Valvosoft non-invasive ultrasound therapy

Cardiawave’s non-invasive ultrasound therapy impresses cardiologists early on—could it be an alternative to SAVR, TAVR?

While TAVR and SAVR are reliable treatments for calcific aortic stenosis, some patients are not considered for those procedures due to severe comorbidities or a limited life expectancy. This is where the investigational Valvosoft device from Cardiawave enters the equation.

Take Care of Maya johns hopkins attorneys seek retrial

Hopkins lawyers seeking new trial in ‘Maya’ case

Claiming possible juror misconduct, attorneys for Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in Florida have filed a motion for retrial.

healthcare hiring nurses workers

Healthcare hiring may save the US economy

If the country avoids slipping into an economic recession over the next few months or even years, it could have the healthcare job market to thank.

take care of maya johns hopkins

Lawyer calls $261M judgment against Johns Hopkins ‘patently excessive’

Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla., is crying foul over the damages a jury ordered it to pay Maya Kowalski and her family earlier this month.

money gavel court lawsuit legal judge judgement

Hospital fails to dodge $10M malpractice verdict after attempting to pin payment on radiologist

A nurse punctured the 68-year-old patient's lung with a feeding tube in 2018, and radiologist Louis Jacobs, MD, subsequently failed to spot the injury on X-ray. 

COVID-19 coronavirus mask smell

Image-guided treatment may restore sense of smell in long-COVID patients

“Other treatments have failed to date. This injection is working,” said lead author Adam Zoga, MD, MBA, a professor of radiology at Jefferson Health.  

Smartphone app helps TAVR patients avoid major complications

Hospital readmissions, ER visits and major complications were all less likely when TAVR patients used a smartphone app to assist with their recovery.