Patient Care

This page includes news coverage of various aspects of patient healthcare, including new technology innovations, what is working, what is not, personalized medicine and remote and telemedicine delivery. Find specific news in the areas of Care DeliveryDigital TransformationPrecision MedicineRemote Monitoring and Telehealth.

Continuous Quality Improvement

How to tap QMS methodologies for speeding AI adoptions

It may hold that applying established people/process/technology principles can help hospitals move AI from experimental research settings to regulated clinical practice.

The Medtronic Symplicity Spyral Renal Denervation system uses a catheter that curls in the renal artery to place radiofrequency electrodes against the vessel wall to ablate the nerves that control vasodilation, so the artery can be propped in the fully open position.

First US patient treated with Medtronic’s FDA-approved renal denervation system

Interventional cardiologist David Kandzari, MD, performed the procedure just days after the device received full FDA approval. 

Surgeons Operating On Patient

‘We should halt this practice’: Common hormone treatment for donated hearts may be harmful

"This practice has been adopted by multiple organ-procurement organizations and is used on thousands of organ donors each year, without ever having been rigorously studied," one researcher said. 

ambulances diverted due to ransomware cyberattack

Multistate health system recovering from T-day ransomware attack

A week later, the 30-hospital, six-state system is still working to assess the intrusion and repair any damage.

life expectancy

US life expectancy rising from COVID downturn

The COVID-19 pandemic shaved 2.4 years off U.S. life expectancy, and the population has yet to fully recover from the setback. 

Long COVID tied to microstructural changes in the brain, new MRI technique reveals

The study also unearthed a correlation between such changes and symptom-specific brain networks related to impaired cognition, sense of smell and fatigue. 

radiation oncology therapy treatment

Surveillance imaging of post-treatment cancer patients may cause more problems than it solves

After completing primary radiation therapy, patients in remission from cancers of the head and neck are better served by expectant management than routine imaging.

family caregivers

5 things to know about unpaid caregiving (from a radiologist caregiver’s point of view)

After experiencing firsthand the burdens and rewards of caring for a sick loved one, an academic radiologist underwent an awakening of awareness.