Womens Imaging

Women’s imaging encompasses many radiology procedures related to women and the diseases that are most prevalent to women such as breast cancer or gynecological issues. Mammogram, breast ultrasound, breast MRI and breast biopsy are the most commonly used procedures.

Newborn brains invigorated by mother’s active lifestyle during pregnancy

The boon comes in the form of greater brain cortical thickness observable on neonatal MRI two weeks after the baby enters the world.


Longitudinal changes in breast density could be linked to breast cancer risk

Researchers found that cancer risk in premenopausal women with fatty breasts at initial imaging nearly doubled if an increase in density was observed during their second and third mammograms.

Breast ultrasound volume calculator cleared for U.S. sales

The FDA has given its thumbs-up to software that calculates breast fibroglandular tissue volume (FGV) and the ratio of FGV to total breast volume on ultrasound imaging.

4D ultrasound shows preborn humans ‘laughing’ over carrots, ‘crying’ over kale

Researchers in the U.K. have documented fetuses smiling when exposed to sweet flavors and frowning over bitter tastes.

Go-anywhere imaging devices dispatched to Kenya

Butterfly Network has sent 500 of its iQ+ handheld ultrasound devices to Kenya as part of a charitable effort to improve outcomes for, primarily, mothers-to-be and their babies in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Examples of breast imaging. What does breast imaging look like? What does breast cancer look like? What do radiologists look for on mammograms?

PHOTO GALLERY: What does breast cancer look like on mammography

This image gallery shows examples from various breast imaging modalities, including digital breast tomosynthesis, ultrasound and breast MRI, in addition to clinical presentations of breast cancer and other pathologies.

Experts describe MRI characteristics of rare breast cancer

The new paper describes the imaging characteristics of metaplastic carcinoma of the breast and correlates the findings with clinical and histopathological characteristics/diagnoses.

Outreach team builds system to head off screening cancellations

Expanding available hours on top of calling with reminders did the equity-focused job with encouraging effectiveness.