
Diagnostic screening programs help catch cancer, abnormalities or other diseases before they reach an advanced stage, saving lives and healthcare costs. Screening programs include, lung, breast, prostate, and cervical cancer, among many others.


Imaging at the 2016 Olympics: Can an MRI ankle study help prevent future injuries?

“Our results may help in planning medical injury surveillance systems for future large-scale sports events tailored for each specific sport and may potentially aid in developing preventive efforts before and during competition,” wrote the authors of a Feb. 21 study published in Academic Radiology.


FDA warns against using thermography for cancer screening, calls out California center

“There is no valid scientific data to show that thermographic devices, when used on their own or with another diagnostic test, are an effective screening tool for any medical condition, including the early detection of breast cancer or other diseases and conditions,” the FDA wrote. “The agency stresses that mammography is the only screening method proven to reduce deaths from breast cancer through early detection.”  


CTA, transcranial Doppler not accurate in screening for delayed ischemia following brain hemorrhage

CT angiography (CTA) and transcranial Doppler (TCD) fall short in detecting cerebral vasospasm (CVS) and predicting delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), reported authors of a recent study published in the inaugural edition of Critical Care Explorations.


DBT, digital mammography give a boost to breast cancer screening

Breast cancer screening centers may want to consider implementing digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) and digital mammography (DM) into their practice, according to results of a recent Radiology study. Pairing both modalities significantly increased the sensitivity and specificity of detecting breast cancers.


MRI is good first-line option in children with suspected acute appendicitis

“The diagnostic performance and efficiency of current MRI may yield overall value when it is used as a first-line modality in pediatric ED for acute abdominal pain,” wrote Raza Mushtaq, MD, of the University of Arizona College of Medicine, and colleagues, in a new study published in Radiology.

NHS to review more than 5K x-rays after metal implant mix-up

Roughly 5,500 NHS patients who had fractures repaired with metal plates will need their x-rays reviewed after a hospital mix-up lead some patients to receive faulty implants, according to a recent report from The Independent. 

MRI-guided treatment does not improve clinical remission for rheumatoid arthritis patients

An MRI-guided strategy for treating patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) showed no benefits over conventional treat-to-target approaches, according to a Feb. 5 study published in JAMA. The authors also found the modality showed no benefit in radiographic progression.


MRI technique could diagnose fatty liver disease before symptoms emerge

University of Arizona in Tuscon researchers, led by Diego Martin, MD, PhD, chair of the university’s medical imaging department, have developed an MRI technique aimed to replace blood tests and invasive biopsies for measuring nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, according to a report by the Arizona Daily Star.