
This page includes content on healthcare management, including health system, hospital, department and clinic business management and administration. Areas of focus are on cardiology and radiology department business administration. Subcategories covered in this section include healthcare economics, reimbursement, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, policy and regulations, practice management, quality, staffing, and supply chain.

Flying Blind

Many health care providers fall into the trap of spending big dollars on marketing without knowing their customers. A well-structured strategic marketing plan requires a mechanism for identifying the needs and wants of your customers.

Carrot Approach to Radiologist Compensation

A creative radiologist compensation plan is critical for improving group and individual performance as well as attracting and retaining talent. Transforming your practice from a traditional to an incentive-based compensation plan can be accomplished through this three-phase process:

Marketing 201

In the second article of a series in the Journal of the American College of Radiology, Frank Lexa, MD, and Jonathan Berlin, MD, MBA, warn radiology practices that they can waste marketing dollars if they do not observe what he refers to as the 4 P’s of marketing: product, price, positioning, and promotion. A summary of these foundational elements

NCQDIS: Now More than Ever

Those of us in the industry recognize that imaging is a fast-growing alternative to invasive procedures. New technology, an aging population, and declining costs of equipment are leading to more imaging procedures being performed each year.

Business Guru Weighs in on Radiology Leadership Issues

In an extensive interview to be featured in the April issue of Imaging Economics, Jim Collins, researcher, business guru, and author of the best-selling Good to Great, shed perspective on radiology’s current harsh climate and offered a glimpse of the focus of his next book, based on five years of researching companies that have prevailed in

EMI: The Last Cost-Cutting Frontier

The changing outpatient imaging business environment has made it imperative for all radiology managers to continually reduce operating expenses. Reimbursements are being squeezed by the recent Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) cuts and the multi-body part discount. The recently published Moran report, sponsored by the Access to Medical Imaging Coalition

The Changing Faces of Radiology

I have been musing about the past 24 years that I have been involved in the business side of radiology and how amazing the transformation of this profession has been during that time. Interestingly, the issues we face today mirror those that we faced in 1983 as prospective payment was then unceremoniously ushered (thrust?) into existence, creating

RBM Standards: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Most providers of quality diagnostic imaging welcome more stringent quality standards invoked by payors in the belief that higher standards will eliminate inferior providers from their markets. But as payors increasingly resort to employing radiology benefits management companies (RBMs) to help control escalating imaging costs, outpatient-imaging