
This page includes content on healthcare management, including health system, hospital, department and clinic business management and administration. Areas of focus are on cardiology and radiology department business administration. Subcategories covered in this section include healthcare economics, reimbursement, leadership, mergers and acquisitions, policy and regulations, practice management, quality, staffing, and supply chain.

Advance Preparation Is Key to Smooth Migration

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

When John Mowry, digital imaging manager at Cook’s Children’s Health Care System, Fort Worth, Tex, decided to switch from his legacy PACS to a thin-client, Web-based model, he faced a particularly daunting migration situation. The servers in use by the legacy system were on their last legs; meanwhile, there were more than 10 million images across

Transforming the PACS Vendor Relationship

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

Radiologists at Yale University figuratively equate their PACS with a toolbox and themselves with artisans, from whose hands now spring forth remarkably useful pictures: namely, manipulated and reconstructed digital images of what lies beneath the epidermis.

Operating Radiology As an Individual Business Unit

Both hospitals and imaging centers are struggling with economic and political pressures that are straining their relationships with staff; finance (administration/owners); radiologists; vendors (IT providers, equipment manufacturers, suppliers, and consultants); referring physicians; and the community (your patients). Collectively, we will call

Assessing the Cost of Individual Radiologists’ Reporting Habits

Medical billing systems are database files managed using programs that perform accounting functions. These are written to accommodate a daunting number of rules imposed by health-insurance companies and state/federal programs. They contain edit functions that screen all relevant acquired demographic and clinical information for completeness and

Eight Ways to Motivate Your Practice Representatives

The proper care (and feeding) of your practice representatives is a process, not an event. Because there is so much at stake, it requires a level of communication that is unprecedented in your business. Imagine, for a moment, that you get up to go to work; when you arrive at your office, no one is happy to see you. They like you well enough, but

CT Colonography: Ready for Prime Time

On June 18, 2008, a letter was sent to the CMS Coverage and Analysis Group seeking approval of CT colonography (CTC) as a generalized screening tool for colorectal cancer among asymptomatic Medicare patients 50 years of age or older. The letter itself was a calm recitation of years of evidence collected through studies and trials of CTC in various

Contrarians at Heart: Riding the Bull Market in Imaging

Acquisitive firms have long been earmarked for challenges based on academic research predicting high failure rates for such companies. While valuation, timing, and culture all play critical roles in a deal, many successful companies rely heavily on acquisitions to achieve their strategic goals. Health Diagnostics, New York City, is one such company

Sandy Benson, CEO, Seattle Radiologists, PC: Keeping the Hierarchy Low

You could say that Sandy Benson grew up at Seattle Radiologists. If you said that Seattle Radiologists grew up with Benson, you also would be correct. A former radiologic technologist with interventional-radiology experience, she joined the practice in 1983 to open an outpatient interventional lab and, 25 years later, continues to serve the