Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 

Radiologist gets 12-month timeout for physically violating patient

A radiologist in the U.K. has received a 1-year suspension for inappropriately touching a patient while conducting a spinal ultrasound exam.

insurance payer payment insurer

'Economically unsustainable': How Medicare reimbursements hinder adoption of latest mammo technology

“Current reimbursement contributes to inequity because locating new technology in facilities that serve patients with public insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, is not economically sustainable," authors of a new paper in Radiology suggested.


Experts blame 'perverse incentives' for scientific fraud in radiology research

Nearly 30% of corresponding authors included in the analysis shared that they had witnessed scientific fraud in their department within the last five years.


Most consumers are not shopping around for better healthcare prices

While the Biden administration and federal agencies have made price transparency a long-term goal for the U.S. healthcare industry, a recent study revealed Americans aren’t actually shopping around very often for better healthcare prices.

‘Radiology failures, misdiagnosed fractures’ blamed in 2 wrongful assumptions of child battery

In the U.K., two instances of evidently inept work by radiologists are inadvertently spotlighting the value of subspecialized image interpretation in socially sensitive patient cases.

Cardiologist says COVID-19 vaccinations ‘must stop’ due to the risk of adverse events—scientists and doctors push back

A well-known cardiologist who once fully supported COVID-19 vaccines is now saying he thinks they have done more harm than good. Online, as one might expect, people on both sides of this particular debate have been quick to respond. 

Example of the four types of breast tissue density. The density of fibroglandular tissue inside the breast impacts the ability to easily see cancers. Cancers are very easy to spot in fatty breasts, but are almost impossible to find in extremely dense breasts. These examples show craniocaudal mammogram findings characterized as almost entirely fatty (far left), scattered areas of fibroglandular density (second from left), heterogeneously dense (second from right), and extremely dense (far right). RSNA

Breast density notification laws blanket 90% of U.S. women, yet still no national reporting standard is at hand. Why is that?

Dense breast experts Wendie Berg, MD, and JoAnn Pushkin, executive director of DenseBreast-info Inc., explain the current status of breast density patient inform laws, reimbursement and new technologies to aid cancer detection. 

Female Medical Research Scientist Working with Brain Scans

FDA approves AI analysis of high-grade gliomas

An AI startup in the neuro-oncology space has received the government’s go-ahead to market software for analyzing certain fast-growing brain tumors on MRI.