Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 

Example of the four types of breast tissue density. The density of fibroglandular tissue inside the breast impacts the ability to easily see cancers. Cancers are very easy to spot in fatty breasts, but are almost impossible to find in extremely dense breasts. These examples show craniocaudal mammogram findings characterized as almost entirely fatty (far left), scattered areas of fibroglandular density (second from left), heterogeneously dense (second from right), and extremely dense (far right). RSNA

Breast density notification laws: FDA provides updated timeline on rollout

The proposed regulations would require all healthcare providers to offer patients a summary of their breast density that details their breast cancer risks and covers additional screening options that may be available.

Left, HeartFlow's RoadMap analysis enables cardiac CT readers to identify stenoses in the major coronary arteries. The AI provides visualization and quantification of the location and severity of anatomic narrowings. Right image, HeartFlow's Plaque Analysis AI algorithm automates assessment of coronary plaque characteristics and volume on CCTA exams to greatly reduce the time it takes to manually assess and quantify these features.

HeartFlow gains FDA clearance for 2 new AI-powered imaging assessments

The solutions, Plaque Analysis and RoadMap Analysis, both use coronary CT angiography to provide clinicians with a noninvasive look at patients who present with coronary artery disease and face a heightened myocardial infarction risk.

Walmart to sell OTC hearing aids

Retail giant Walmart is now offering over-the-counter hearing aids for the first time ever to U.S. customers 18 and older.

overnight night shift attending radiologist burnout

Cardiologists explain why career flexibility is needed to thrive in today’s challenging work environment

A new policy statement from the American College of Cardiology highlights the importance of career flexibility—including the ability to change hours or work responsibilities when necessary—for cardiologists of all ages. 


CMS extends bundled payments to 2025

Instead of concluding Dec. 31, 2023, the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI Advanced) Model is scheduled to end Dec. 31, 2025.

Leading cardiologists sound the alarm, say polypills could save millions of lives if made widely available

“This systemic failure is a global tragedy, as many premature deaths from CVD could be avoided,” one cardiologist said. 


Patients' out-of-pocket expenses up 123% for some imaging modalities

Older patients, racial/ethnic minorities, women and those on public insurance only (versus private) were observed to have lower OOP expenses. 


FDA launches new pilot program to improve medical device development

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has launched a new pilot program that aims to streamline medical device development, increase predictability and reduce the time from concept to commercialization.