Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

uchealth sues patients for unpaid medical bills faces public scrutiny

Academic medical institution sues patients for unpaid medical bills, faces hot light of public scrutiny

The largest hospital system in a large Western state is feeling the heat of negative publicity over how it goes after patients who owe the system money.

The Reprieve System using intelligent software and automation to manage diuretic dosing and fluid replacement for patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF).

Heart failure startup emerges with $42 million in financing for its intelligent fluid management system

Reprieve Cardiovascular emerged from stealth mode this week with sizable financial backing and some big name board members to advance development for its intelligent, automated diuretic and fluid management system for heart failure.

artificial intelligence in healthcare

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

medical debt

Americans carrying at least $220B in medical debts ranging from modest to crushing

Among the 20 million-plus Americans who have unpaid medical bills totaling more than $250, almost a quarter—5 million people—owe between $2,001 and $5,000.  

artificial intelligence in healthcare

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

hospitals navigating AI complexities survey

How are hospitals navigating AI’s complexities? Surveyors ask and tell

Only 16% of almost three dozen healthcare executives report having a policy for AI governance.

Forbes best employers

15 hospitals land toward the top among ‘America’s best employers’

Forbes is out with its picks for the 600 best employers to work for in 2024. A good handful of hospitals have made the top 50 in two separate lists. 

healthcare hospitals news

For silent waiting-room reading: Notable quotes about hospitals in the news

“People say safety regulations are written in blood. I don’t want to bleed.”