Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.
A new final rule from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau bans reporting agencies from including medical debts on credit reports or factoring them into credit scores.
The new deadline for the deal to be finalized is Dec. 31, 2025. However, the ultimate fate of UnitedHealth's acquisition of Amedisys will be decided in a federal court.
Some FDA-approved medical devices age more safely than others. That’s no less true of AI-enabled technologies than of any others. The agency spells out the ramifications in draft guidance issued this week.
Years will pass before the global economy’s healthcare sector sufficiently leverages AI to build major financial muscle off of it. And even then, industry players are likely to see gains well ahead of hospitals and health systems.
The White House held a roundtable discussion on lowering healthcare costs last week. Fortune magazine followed up with one of the panelists, business mogul and Cost Plus Drugs cofounder Mark Cuban.
Have hospitals really taken a step backward along their march toward price transparency? Or is the watchdog outfit making the claim playing fast and loose with the facts?
Given the speed at which generative AI has penetrated every major sector of human endeavor, no expert in any field should pretend to know how to cleanly separate the disruptors from the disrupted.