Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Hospital–Imaging-center Integration: Complexities in Search of Solutions


This article is the first in a four-part series on options for integrating imaging centers and hospitals.

What Community Hospitals Want: A Conversation With David Harrison, RT, MBA


Community hospitals have a unique set of needs when it comes to imaging. Though they also once faced a corresponding set of challenges, advances in telecommunications have, to some degree, leveled the playing field, enabling them to provide radiology services on par with those of their larger peers. spoke with David Harrison, RT, MBA

Preparing Used Equipment to Sell: Best Practices

Imaging Acquisitions

The sale or trading in of legacy equipment is a critical aspect of the acquisition of new imaging technology, providing facilities with capital and/or leverage to help offset the cost of the new device. Properly readying used equipment for sale, however, is an often-overlooked component of the process, according to Doug Fischer, CEO of Imaging

Radiology’s Big Three

I have written, in the past, about the converging trends that illuminate, when viewed together, where the imaging profession finds itself in its life cycle. A somewhat mature marketplace is defined by certain characteristics that mirror these three ubertrends: tightening of profit margins, some measure of commoditization, and accelerated

PACS Backed by the Cloud

While cost reduction initially prompts many health-care organizations to investigate cloud computing, there is an even more compelling reason to use it. By making your internal IT resources available for projects needing immediate attention, you enhance your agility, according to “Cloud Computing: Taking It to the Next Level,” presented on February

Study Links Brain Tumor Irradiation To Subsequent Infertility

Girls who are exposed to low doses of radiation therapy to the head while being treated for a brain tumor or other form of cancer may experience difficulty in bearing children when they are older, according to a study conducted at the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

New Framework Fosters Self-Sustaining EHR Exchange Networks

A framework to assist states and Washington, D.C., in creating self-sustaining, effective networks for the exchange of EHRs has been announced by the Center for Health Information and Decision Systems (CHIDS) at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business.

INFINITT Dives Into UK PACS Market

INFINITT Healthcare, a global player in picture archiving and communications systems (PACS), radiology information systems (RIS), and 3D Visualization software, yesterday announced that that it has signed a three-year contract extension to provide Enterprise-wide PACS solutions for The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (NUTH), one