Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

What Medical Staffs Want From Radiology


Hospital medical staffs are increasingly expecting more from radiology—and small, traditional groups are struggling to keep up with those demands. That was the situation faced by Charles Rhoades, assistant administrator of clinical ancillary services at El Centro Regional Medical Center (ECRMC) in California.

Go/No-go for Radiology: Knowing When to Sell


Across the country, radiology groups, faced with a less-than-favorable reimbursement outlook and increasing expenditures, are considering selling their practices to or entering into joint ventures with hospitals. As with any major financial decision, a detailed discussion of the pros and cons is required, and there are several factors of which

Risk and Responsibility: Radiology and the ACO


The passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act made accountable-care organization (ACO) one of the most feared buzzwords since capitation, but if the concept of ACOs is framed within its larger context, which is a nationwide collaborative-care initiative with federal support, participation begins to seem less onerous.

Love What You Do


One can’t help but seek significance in the death of someone as iconic as Apple cofounder and CEO Steve Jobs. Of all the things that he meant to those of us who have made our careers in the business world, among the most important and lasting, I believe, is that he had a unique and highly visible passion and love for his chosen path. Yes, he was a

Conversion to ICD-10 to Run Into Multi-Millions, CMS Says

Costs associated with conversion to the ICD-10 code set may total $640 million in 2013 alone, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) revealed Wednesday during a briefing virtual briefing held by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS).

GOP Senators to Supercommittee: Repeal Health Care Reform Law

The supercommittee tasked with reducing the U.S. budget deficit would do well to repeal President Obama’s health care reform law, as well as to significantly alter Medicare and Medicaid alike, say Republican members of the Senate Finance Committee.

Merge Healthcare RIS Receives Meaningful Use Certification

Merge Healthcare, a Chicago-based provider of enterprise imaging and interoperability solutions, announced that its Merge RIS v7.0 radiology information system has been certified for Meaningful Use.

Imaging Utilization On the Rise in Emergency Departments

Utilization rates for imaging procedures in hospital emergency departments (EDs) are increasing, indicates a study published in the October issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology.