Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

ACR Joins Group to Form Prostate Data System

Based on the widespread success of the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data Systems (BI-RADS) the ACR and two other groups recently announced a joint venture to create a similar program for prostate screening.

Medicare Clarifies Point of Service Rules

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has clarified that “point-of-service” designation for the professional component of Medicare services should reflect where the examination was performed.

Radisphere Raises $10 Million Investment

Radisphere recently reported that it received another $10 million equity investment, based on documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Former Kodak Division Becomes Truesense Imaging

A former division of Kodak purchased by Platinum Equity in November has been revamped as Truesense Imaging.

Imaging in the Global Marketplace: A Conversation With Stephen Pomeranz, MD


As radiology practices continue to grow in size via mergers, partnerships, and other forms of consolidation, the model of the nationwide practice is beginning to appeal to many. ProScan Imaging (Cincinnati, Ohio) owns 24 freestanding imaging centers in the United States, and it offers teleradiology services both nationally and internationally.

CR in Haiti: Durability and Sustainability


In the wake of the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, multiple aid groups rushed to the country to provide housing and medical care for the estimated 1.5 to 1.8 million residents displaced by the natural disaster. One such group was Health4Haiti, which had established a presence in the country several years before and had been building a clinic in

Outsourced Billing: An Administrator’s View


The decision to outsource a radiology practice’s billing can be emotionally fraught. Many practices have historically employed sizable in-house billing departments, and though the decision to outsource might appear simple from an economic perspective, when it comes to putting people out of work, administrators understandably blanch. Further, while

Mergers and Acquisitions: Putting a Price on Reputation


The concept of personal goodwill in the mergers and acquisitions of imaging centers occupies a decidedly intangible realm. John P. Holman, JD, an attorney in the Falls Church, Virginia, office of law firm Reed Smith LLP, has seen negotiations play out largely over the goodwill issue, with patience and persistence sometimes winning.