Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.
Some of the claims in the lawsuit, brought against Novant Health by Kyle Horton, MD, are backed by a report from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
The agencies said private equity firms are rolling up healthcare sectors through serialized purchases that fly under the radar of regulators, creating an unsustainable level of consolidation.
A new report from the Office of the Inspector General found the FDA failed to properly record meetings with drug manufacturers, ultimately approving drugs later shown to have safety and efficacy issues.
The integration was announced during the annual JP Morgan Health Care Conference in San Francisco. The program works through Amazon Benefits Manager to remotely help patients with weight and blood pressure management.
The Society of Interventional Radiology is promising scientific advances and new discoveries at 37th Annual Scientific Meeting March 24-29 in San Francisco.
The American College of Radiology announced a partnership with Harvard Business Publishing to help develop a program as part of the ACR’s new Radiology Leadership Institute.
Marking a stark contrast to the position of the several radiology groups, MedSolutions – a benefit management company – has come out in favor of the President’s proposed budget for its cuts to medical imaging.
The Virginia legislature has passed and the Governor is expected to sign a bill requiring that radiologists test and report breast tissue density as part of a routine mammography exam.