Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

2010 Medicare Payment Cuts Forcing Practices to Cut Back on Staff and Technology Upgrades

Practices are being forced to cut back on staff and technology upgrades because of Medicare payment cuts, according to a survey by AMIC.

IRS Issues Final Regs for Medical Device Tax as Industry Lobbies for Delay

Final regulations for application of the medical device excise tax yielded no relief this week for imaging manufacturers

Bracco Issues Voluntary Recall of Isovue Pre-filled Syringes

Bracco Diagnostics Inc. has initiated a Class I voluntary recall of nine lots of Isovue (iopamidol injection) because of visible particles in the syringes

GE Healthcare CEO Says Fiscal Cliff Depressing Imaging Device Sales

Uncertainty over whether $607 billion in federal government spending cuts and tax increases will go into effect January 1 is depressing sales says GE's John Dineen

CMS Revises Place of Service Policy for Teleradiology, Again

CMS has once more clarified its policy on how to bill for tests in teleradiology situations where the place of service is hard to determine

ONC Requests Comments on Stage 3 Definition of Meaningful Use

The stage 3 definition makes meaningful use increasingly relevant to radiology because its goals include curbing duplicate and inappropriate testing

Bayer HealthCare Enters Radiology Software Market

With acquisition of software developer Radimetrics, Bayer signaled its intentions to be a major player in the radiology business arena

Strategic Radiology Launches Physician Owned and Operated Telerad Service

Strategic Radiology is moving to compete with teleradiology companies on their own turf