Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

RadPac Raised More Than $1.26 Million in 2012

The political action committee of the American College of Radiology had its biggest year yet and now ranks third among health care PACs in money raised

Medical Device Tax Will Cost Jobs Finds MITA Member Survey

Device manufacturers that responded to the survey say they will cut jobs in manufacturing, sales, and research and development because of the new tax.

MITA Applauds CMS Proposal to Remove National Non-Coverage Decision for PET

The CMS proposal would allow its local contractors to determine coverage for new PET oncology tracers as soon as the tracers are approved for use by the FDA

Allstate Awarded $7 Million Verdict in Imaging Scam

Court finds Long Beach, CA, chiropractor Daniel Dahan and his business, Progressive Diagnostic Imaging, used fake radiology reports to defraud the insurer

Diagnosing Dementing Disease: A Neurologist’s QI Wish List

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

Imaging can play a valuable role in the early diagnosis of dementing disease. In a special-interest session held on November 26, 2012, at the annual meeting of the RSNA in Chicago, Illinois, neurologist Norman Foster, MD, copresented “What Imaging Measurements Are Needed in Clinical Practice?” He explains how imaging can increase physician

USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center: Discovering Hidden Data With PACS-embedded AV Tools

Sponsored by FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas

Having a tool kit of advanced visualization tools embedded in the PACS of the Keck Hospital of the University of Southern California (USC) has touched every aspect of the practice of Vinay Duddalwar, MD, FRCR. As abdominal-imaging section chief and director of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center (NCCC) imaging department, Duddalwar reports

Mobile Technology and the Radiology Practice: Implementation Strategy


This article is the fourth in a four-part series. To read part one, click here; to read part two, click here; to read part three, click here.

Scoliosis Imaging in a Single Snap: Blessing Hospital


When Blessing Hospital, a rural facility in Quincy, Illinois that serves over 250,000 patients annually, added a neurosurgeon who specializes in scoliosis to its roster of over 240 physicians, an addition to its arsenal of radiography equipment was not far behind. Megan Main, RT, a technologist in Blessing Hospital’s radiology department, says, “In