Business Intelligence

Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.

Big data, healthcare and ethics—if I could just have more data…

If you think we are living in a world that runs on gasoline, or natural resources, you’re wrong. We run on information. Companies today collect all kinds of information, for B2B purposes, and more importantly, for consumer marketing purposes. Retailers know what we buy, what we like to eat, when we go out, and where are real-time, when we check in on facebook or foursquare. Now they want even more. In a Wall Street Journal Report on “Big Data”, experts took a look at what information companies don’t have, but would like to.  And healthcare providers weighed in on what they want—a real-time rundown on their patients’ vital statistics to get an early warning about potential health problems. 

Prescription-data firm nears IPO

According to a write up in the Wall Street Journal, IMS Health Holdings, Inc. is in the final stages of preparation before its initial public offering. 

Courting Millennial HIE Enrollments with Comedy and Social Media: Ten Days to Go

With just 10 days remaining in the health insurance exchange (HIE) enrollment period, last minute promotions from the administration can be found on television, and online—just about everywhere you look. The administration is pulling out all the stops to get the word out. 

3D Printing Technology Converts CT Scans of Facial Bones into Template for New Bone Formation

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University are using 3D printing technology to convert CT scans of facial bones into templates for new bone formation, a press release published during the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society.   

Rhode Island Medical Imaging Named Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology

Rhode Island Medical Imaging (RIMI) was just named a Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR) - one of the first outpatient diagnostic imaging centers in the country to receive such a distinction. RIMI is the only Center of Excellence radiology practice in New England. 

Arkansas Radiology Group Selects Zotec Partners for Radiology Billing

Zotec’s Data Analysis and Business Intelligence Tools Solidify New RCM Partnership Indianapolis, IN. – March 18, 2014 – Zotec Partners (Zotec), an industry-leading provider of radiology billing and practice management services, has been awarded an exclusive billing contract with Radiology Associates, P.A. (RAPA) in Little Rock, Ark. 


Succession Planning for Radiology Practices


The most common approach to succession planning among radiology practices is no approach at all, according to David Myrice, CPA, MBA, director of practice management for Zotec Partners.


Improving Imaging Access by Delivering Telemammography in the Cloud

Sponsored by Sectra

Consolidation in the imaging world is often viewed as problematic—but shifting market forces can create opportunities to improve patients’ access to care, points out Kevin Collins, vice president of product management with Sectra.